Carnacki - The Ghost Finder
By William Hope Hodgson
(Adapted by Mike Brooks)
A perfect treat for Halloween.
Suitable for children aged 5 - 10 years old
Thomas Carnacki is a Sherlock Holmes style detective, but his speciality is the supernatural.
In this story he investigates a haunting in his own mother's house. They hear mysterious knocking and door banging in the night. Then Thomas discovers the mysterious history of his mother's house, which includes a former tenant named mysterious history, which includes a former tenant named Captain Tobias, and rumours of a ghostly woman...
Barking Dog's two talented actors (with the help of some puppets and children from the audience) present this exciting tale. With original music and audience participation as well as use of puppetry and mime, this is ideal for any book week, projects on fantasy, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, music or drama