Goldilocks & The Grumpy Bears
A panto for all ages
The three bears aren't happy, Mummy Bear has made porridge for the family but it's too hot. They decide to go out
for a walk while it cools, accidentally leaving the door open.
Soon there is an intruder. Goldilocks means no harm, but she's tired and hungry and the porridge smells lovely. Little does she know, three grumpy bears are about to return home.
Where are those bears now Goldilocks? They're behind you!!!!
The two actors use puppets, audience participation, lots of action and songs so that children of all ages can join in
with all the time-honoured pantomime traditions.
The actors can perform two different versions of this show, One for the nursery age range (3 - 6) and another more general version.
Barking Dog have been performing Children's shows since 1987 and first performed our pantos over ten years ago
"Most memorable was the interaction of the children with the characters. Pitched just right" - Robert Piggot Infants School, Reading